Words for Gamers

In this section we are going to focus on the words, phrases and abbreviations gamers often use.

Notice that many of the entries will have a short video. These videos contain added information, so be sure to watch them. They’re fun too.

In this section we are going to focus on the vocabulary gamers use. Some of it will apply to games in general — war games, for example. We will also help you with some of the slang words popular with gamers and young people around the world. Fun!

Remember, however, the language you hear in games in REAL English. Thus, it is great for building your general vocabulary as well. Here, we will focus not only on learning the meaning of new words, but how to use them as well.

Notice that some of the words will have a short video as well. These videos contain added information, so watch them. They’re fun too.

We will be added to our word lists often. You can also suggest words for us to explain. 

Words, abbreviations and slang

AFK – “away from keyboard.” In other words, the player is not available, or active, in the game. If you go to the toilet while you are playing a game, you are AFK. When you come back, you are BAK, “back at keyboard.” ( WATCH VIDEO )

Boss – (noun) a computer controlled enemy, frightening and powerful, but also having weaknesses allowing good players to kill it. ( WATCH VIDEO )

Bro (noun) – An informal way of saying “friend,” a good male friend. Often used with strangers in video games. ( WATCH VIDEO )

Buff (noun) – A strengthening of a character power or abilities. ( WATCH VIDEO )

Bug (noun) – An error in a game’s design or computer programming. Bugs can be minor and easily fixed to major problems which great affects game play ( WATCH VIDEO )

Camping (noun) – Staying/hiding in one place or area and surprising enemies who come there, killing them and taking their loot. ( WATCH VIDEO )

Carry (verb) – to use your skill as a gamer to help one or more teammates compete successfully ( WATCH VIDEO )

Chill – (adj, verb) Relaxed, calm; to relax, have fun, etc. by yourself or with friends (WATCH VIDEO)

Combo (noun) – Combination. a quick set of attacking actions on an enemy

CU, CYA – See You (Goodbye)

Dope (noun) – Something that is really good, awesome, cool ( WATCH VIDEO)

Dub (noun) – Win, from a shortened form of W, the first letter of “win”, pronounced “double U” ( WATCH VIDEO)

Dude (noun) – Man, Guy. What you call someone, usually a male. Similar to “Bro” ( WATCH VIDEO)

Epic – (adjective) – Long and difficult, but xtremely good or enjoyable (WATCH VIDEO) 

Farming – (noun) Gathering or collecting items that make a player stronger and more powerful (WATCH VIDEO) 

First-Person Shooter, FPS (noun) – A shooting game with the camera looking through your character’s eyes

FYI – For Your Information

GB – Goodbye

GG – Good game. You are telling your teammate or opponent that they played well.

Glitch (noun) a small problem or mistake that prevents something from working properly. (WATCH VIDEO) 

Goosebumps (noun) the raised spots you get on your skin when you feel cold, frightened or excited. (WATCH VIDEO) 

Grind (verb) to do something difficult for a long time, trying to achieve something or as part of a job (WATCH VIDEO) 

HF – Have fun

Indie (adj) – “Independently produced game” meaning a game created by a small company or team instead of a giant gaming company

Inventory (noun) – A menu or area of the screen where items (equipment, weapons, materials, etc.) collected by the player-character during the game can be selected. (Watch video)

Items – things players can gather and use during a game, e.g., a weapon, a building material, something that heals, etc.

Lag (verb, noun) – having a slower than normal internet connection, making it difficult to compete with other players in video games; to fall behind, perhaps because of moving or working too slowly; (of a machine or system) not up to date. (WATCH VIDEO) 

Let’s go (expression) – an expression video gamers use after doing something successfully, e.g., winning a game. (WATCH VIDEO) 

Loadout ( noun) – The set of weapons, ammunition and other items a video gamer player has for a fight.. (WATCH VIDEO) 

Loot (noun) – Items you need to survive, e.g.  weapons, medicines, equipment or all kinds, building materials, etc. ( Watch video)

Loot (verb) – to gather the items you need.

Mats (noun) – Materials used to make things, e.g., wood, bricks and metal, esp. in the video game Fortnite.( Watch video)

Meme (noun) – An idea, image, etc. that spreads very quickly

Meta (noun)– “Most Effective Tactics Available”, the best methods available to win or succeed in playing a game. ( Watch video)

Mission (noun)– an important job that a person or a group of people is given to do. It often involves travel, even space travel. ( Watch video)

Nerf (noun, verb)– A weakening of a weapon, character power or ability,’ to reduce the power of a weapon, power or ability ( Watch video)

Newbie (noun) – (Also “noob” or “newb”) A beginner, a person who has no experience with the game being play or a player who has very poor skills. ( Watch video)

Noob (noun) – (Also “newbie” or “newb”) A beginner, a person who has no experience with the game being play or a player who has very poor skills. ( Watch video)

Patch (noun) – in video games a patch repairs weaknesses by correcting errors or making changes to improve a game, e.g., by making a game character or item more powerful (a buff) or less powerful (a nerf). (Watch video)

Peek (verb) – a quick and secret look at something that you should not be looking at (Watch video)

Platform (noun) – For most of us, a “platform” is a flat raised surface like you would see next to the tracks at a train station. For gamers, however, a platform is the type of computer system they use to play their games or the software they use.
( Watch video)

Prone (adjective) – a position in which you are lying flat with the front of your body touching the ground.
( Watch video)

Push (verb) – a position in which you are lying flat with the front of your body touching the ground.
( Watch video)

Quickscope (verb) – to find an enemy quickly in the scope of a gun and shooting him/her. (Watch video)

Role (noun) – the function or position that someone has in an organization or situation; an actor’s part in a play or film.
( Watch video)

Salty (adjective) – upset, disappointed, bitter
( Watch video)

Scrim (noun) – An online practice match between two teams (scrimmage)

Scrub – A very bad player, often one who thinks he/she is good

Shambolic (adj) – very, very bad or very poorly done. Very poorly organized ( Watch video)

Sick (adj) – very good, great, enjoyable, etc (Watch video)

Smurfing(noun) When an experienced player creates a new account for a game and easily defeats inexperienced players

Spawn {verb) – to cause a character or item to appear in the game (Watch video)

Spicy (adjective) – impressive, awesome, looking very good (Watch video)

STFU – Shut the F**k up (Stop talking)

Streak (noun) – a short period of good or bad luck, e.g., winning or losing four games in a row. (Watch video)

Stream Sniper (noun) – a gamer who sees another gamer’s stream, joins the game and causes the streamer trouble. . (Watch video)

Sweaty (adjective) – (of a game or a situation in a game) very competitive, exciting and stressful (causing you to become anxious).. (Watch video)

Third-Person Shooter (noun) – A shooting game with the camera looking out from behind the character, especially the character’s shoulders

Toxic – (adjective) In gaming: very bad, often rude behavior towards other players. Also poisonous; dangerous to health (Watch video)

Troll(noun) Modern: A person who tricks other people on the Internet, often just for fun, but sometimes by giving false information or by writing rude and offensive messages to make other people angry. Ancient: A strange-looking, often very large, creature that liked to play tricks on people (Watch video)

Wallbang (verb) – to shoot somebody through a wall. . (Watch video)

Vibes (noun) – a mood or feeling that you get from a person, place or, in this case, a video game. (Watch video)

WTF – What the F**k

WTH – What the Hell**