Ammo – (noun) ammunition, bullets, bombs, etc that can be fired from a weapon

Artillery – (noun) the section of an army trained to use large, heavy guns

Attachment – (noun) a tool that you can fix onto a machine, gun, etc. to make it do another job

Banner – (noun) a flat cardlike object carried by legends and dropped when they die. Can be taken by teammates to a beacon where the dead legend is brought back to life

Bob and Weave – (verb) to make rapid body movements from side to side to help someone escape from danger

Billed – (verb) advertised, said to be (especially in a good way)

Care package – (noun) a supply drop called in by the Legend Lifeline

Death box – (noun) a box containing all the items collected by a Legend who has been killed

Grenade – (noun) a small bomb that someone throws or fires from a gun

Decent – (adjective) quite good

Drop – (noun) a supply drop, a container dropped from the air containing valuable items

Dub – (noun) win (first syllable of “W,” “Double U” which is after used for “win”)

Eventually – (adverb) at the end of a period of time or a series of events

Exorcist – (noun) a person who makes evil spirits leave a place or a person’s body

Gear – (noun) the special equipment, clothes, weapons, etc., that you use for a particular job or activity

Handle – (verb) to deal with successfully

Heal up – (verb) to return to good health after an injury

Hemlock – (noun) a powerful assault rifle

Knocked – (verb) Caused to fall down but not killed

Literally – (adverb) really true

Loot – (verb) to steal or take things from a person or a place

Mark – (noun) an object or a sign that shows the position of something

Mess with – (verb) to be involved with; to try something

Nading – (verb) throwing a grenade, a small bomb

Nasty – (adjective) bad or unpleasant

Peacekeeper – (noun) a kind of shotgun

Pole – (noun) a long thin straight piece of wood or metal, especially one with the end placed in the ground, used as a support

Portal – (noun) a special tunnel that the Legend Wraith can make allowing players to quickly move from one area to another. It lasts for 60 second

Randomly – (adverb) without any regular pattern

Recoil – (noun) of a gun) causing a shooter to move suddenly backwards when firing a gun

Revive – (verb) to bring back to good health; to bring back to life

Shotty – (noun) a shotgun

Shotgun – (noun) a gun that fires a lot of small metal bullets (called shot) and is used especially for shooting birds or animals

Sniper (rifle) – (noun) a gun used by someone who shoots at people from a hidden place

Squad – (noun) a small team of gamers who play together

Survive – (verb) to continue to live

Ultimate Accelerant – (noun) an item that can quickly help to restore some ultimate energy

Whew – (exclamation) a sound that people make to show that they are surprised or relieved about something