Asking questions

Video gamers ask the same kind of questions that you learn in your English classes. Most of them are “yes-no questions”, questions you can answer with a simple”yes” or “no.” Be sure you know how to form these questions. 

Yes-no questions

The most common questions in games begin with “Do” or “Does”
Do you have a gun yet?
Do you want to stay here?
Do you need anything?
As the game progresses, past tense questions become more common.
Did you see him?
Did you get a vehicle
Did they escape?

Then, of course, there are yes-no questions beginning with the verb “to be” and model auxilliaries
Are they in the building?
Is he still alive?
Are you OK?
Is she coming towards us?
Was that a gun shot?
Were they in a vehicle?
Should we go up the hill?
Can you help me?
Can you give me a med kit?


Wh questions use question words like What, where, why, when, who, and how. You ask them when you need more information than you can get with a yes-no questions. In games, you will hear many different kinds of wh questions, but what and where are the most common.

What kind of ammo do you need?
What should we do now?
Where did he go?
Where are they?
Which building are they in?
When is the best time to move?
How are we going to get there?
Who was that?