Becoming a skilled learner

You probably began Real English for Gamers because you wanted to have fun learning English with your favorite multiplayer video games. Hopefully you are both having fun and learning at the same time.
Some of you may even have decided that you wanted to become good at English. This is useful not only for video games, but for your studies or your career.
You can learn a lot from the videos and activities on our website and YouTube channel, but in this section, we are going to go one step further. We are going to help you become not only a good English learner but a skilled English learner
You will learn some of the methods the best learners use, but you will still have fun since most of our examples still come from video games.
Watch this short scene. It has a surprise ending. Let's learn how to describe it.
This scene has a surprise opening. Let's learn how to describe what happened at the beginning and the end.