Grammar for Gamers

You can learn a lot of English for watching video games. You can learn even more by joining multiplayer games with English speakers. You can do this even if your English is far from perfect, but it is much better if your grammar is as correct as possible.
Grammar for Gamers will help you. We will focus only on the grammar that is most useful for video games. This will help you better understand what your teammates are saying and it should help your teammates better understand you as well.
Since you are gamers, we know you like to have fun. Therefore, we will try to make the subject of grammar as fun as possible and as easy to understand as possible. We will also use many examples from video games.
Topics : These are the topics covered in Grammar for Gamers: Introduction, Nouns 1, Nouns 2,Nouns 3, Verbs & verb tenses 1, Verbs & verb tenses 2, Verb forms, The Progressive, Present Perfect, Future, Modals, Active-Passive, Prepositions, Adjectives, Phrasal Verbs, Adverbs, Conditionals, Other Resources
Other online references you might want to use:
In our introduction, we explain what we will do in Grammar for Gamers and why it should be useful to you when you play video games with native English speakers or when you communicate with anyone in English.
This is a short (2-minute) introduction to nouns, describing the different kinds of nouns and which group of nouns we will focus on most.
Another short (2-minute) lesson introducing the indefinite article (a, an) and countable and uncountable nouns. Notice how the meaning of a noun can change if you forget to use an article. What’s the difference between “a chicken” and “chicken”, for example?
The definite article “the” and why it is so important. You will understand the basic idea behind how we use “the” and then see a video clip from PUBG (PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds) where players talk about “the tree” and “the rock” again and again. (5 minutes)
Here are real-world examples of the English simple present tense, all taken from multiplayer video game play. You will find that they are a lot more fun and useful than many classroom examples.