You can learn a lot of English for watching video games. You can learn even more by joining multiplayer games with English speakers. You can do this even if your English is far from perfect, but it is much better if your grammar is as correct as possible.
Grammar for Gamers will help you. We will focus only on the grammar that is most useful for video games. This will help you better understand what your teammates are saying and it should help your teammates better understand you as well.
Since you are gamers, we know you like to have fun. Therefore, we will try to make the subject of grammar as fun as possible and as easy to understand as possible. We will also use many examples from video games.
Topics : These are the topics covered in Grammar for Gamers: Introduction, Nouns 1, Nouns 2,Nouns 3, Verbs & verb tenses 1, Verbs & verb tenses 2, Verb forms, The Progressive, Present Perfect, Future, Modals, Active-Passive, Prepositions, Adjectives, Phrasal Verbs, Adverbs, Conditionals, Other Resources
Other online references you might want to use:

Modal verbs gamers need to know
Gamers use verbs like “may”, “might”, “could”, “must”, “should” and “could” a lot, especially when the situation becomes uncertain. These verbs are easy to use in the present, but many learners never use their past forms. You will learn how in this video. We have included many video clips to help you. (8 minutes)

Active Voice, Passive Voice
For some reason, many learners like to use passive forms of verbs much too often. In this video, you will learn how to choose between active and passive. Once again, our focus is on meaning rather than form. We think – in fact, we are SURE – that you will enjoy the video clips we have chosen. (8 minutes)

Prepositions you should know
A quick lesson on small words like “in,” “on,” “near,” “beside,” and “between”. There are several video clips from the video game “Ghost Recon Wildlands” (6 minutes). If you want a much more detailed resource on prepositions, Conor Monaghan’s guide is very good: https://oneminuteenglish.org/en/the-complete-guide-to-prepositions-in-english/

Adjectives: Describing people and things
An introduction to adjectives, how to form them from nouns and verbs and how to use them to make comparisons. The video ends with a Fortnite video clip featuring three-well known streamers. (8 minutes)

Phrasal Verbs
A quick look at two- and three-word verbs, especially those where you can’t guess the meaning of the verb by understanding its separate parts. These are known as phrasal verbs. We’ll help you recognize and use them. This is a hugely popular topic on the Internet, including Twitter and Instagram, so you will have no problem finding more examples. (6 minutes)