Acquiring vocabulary-phrasal verb
Acquiring vocabulary in a fun way: Here are the meanings of dodge (verb), hold on (phrasal verb), levitate (verb), sanity (noun), all taken from short video games clips..
Acquiring vocabulary in a fun way: Here are the meanings of dodge (verb), hold on (phrasal verb), levitate (verb), sanity (noun), all taken from short video games clips..
Acquiring vocabulary in a fun way: Here are the meanings of abyss (noun), crouch (verb), quest (noun), pursue (verb), all taken from short video games clips.
Acquiring vocabulary in a fun way: Here are the meanings of blush (verb), composure (noun), ignore (verb). unrealistic (adjective), all taken from short video games clips.
Acquiring vocabulary in a fun way: Here are the meanings of duplicate, (verb, noun), sideways (adverb), texture (noun), handy (adjective), all taken from short video games clips.
Meaning of address (verb), orderly (adjective), upside-down (adjective), vindication (noun) from clips from popular video games. Vocabulary acquisition in a fun way.
Acquiring vocabulary in a fun way: Here are the meanings of accessible (adjective), squint (verb), hesitant (adjective), relinquish (verb). all taken from short video games clips.
Meaning of chemistry (noun), evade (verb), sniff (verb) and stuck (adjective)
Acquiring vocabulary in a fun way: Learn the meaning of crave (verb), fall for (phrasal verb), methodical(adjective), vantage point (noun), all taken from short video game clips.
Acquiring vocabulary in a fun way: Learn the meaning of impromptu (adjective), disgusting (adjective), eternal (adjective and brutal (adjective), all taken from short video game clips.
Acquiring vocabulary in a fun way: Learn the meaning of dominance (noun), get away with (phrasal verb), intense (adjective), steer (verb), all taken from short video game clips.