We watch a lot of gameplay videos and we are constantly finding useful words English learners might not know. Here is what we have found so far. You should be able to understand all of them within a minute or so.

Meaning of chemistry (noun), evade (verb), sniff (verb) and stuck (adjective)

Acquiring vocabulary in a fun way: Here are the meanings of accessible (adjective), squint (verb), hesitant (adjective), relinquish (verb). all taken from short video games clips.

Meaning of address (verb), orderly (adjective), upside-down (adjective), vindication (noun) from clips from popular video games. Vocabulary acquisition in a fun way.

Acquiring vocabulary in a fun way: Here are the meanings of duplicate, (verb, noun), sideways (adverb), texture (noun), handy (adjective), all taken from short video games clips.

Acquiring vocabulary in a fun way: Here are the meanings of blush (verb), composure (noun), ignore (verb). unrealistic (adjective), all taken from short video games clips.

Acquiring vocabulary in a fun way: Here are the meanings of abyss (noun), crouch (verb), quest (noun), pursue (verb), all taken from short video games clips.

Acquiring vocabulary in a fun way: Here are the meanings of dodge (verb), hold on (phrasal verb), levitate (verb), sanity (noun), all taken from short video games clips..